Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sweet Pea #2

Ok, so one would think that being a second time mommy-to-be, I would have been a little more aware of any "pre-labor" happenings. Charlie, Berkley and I all went in on March 19th for my 11am, 37 weeks OB visit. To our great surprise, I was dialated nearly 5cm and about 80% efaced-in laymans terms-many people would have already been admitted into the hospital waiting to give birth. But oh no-not me! I had not had any symptoms. Due to our "great surprise" with little Berkley Ella, our Doctor advised us to go in if I had contractions five minutes apart for an hour straight. No need to start to keeping track now, I thought. I could still have three weeks to go. I decided to not try and think about the fact that many people were suggesting that I could be driving to the hospital at any time. Later that afternoon, painless contractions started in-much like our experience nearly 21 months ago with little Berkley Ella. No need to rush to the hospital and lay there any longer than necessary. So, we decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Walking increased the frequency of the contractions-which is common whether you are in "true labor" or not. So, I did as the Dr. ordered-drank plenty of water, laid down for 45 minutes and then decided that this could be it.

Finding my pre-packed suitcase in the bottom of our closet, I added some last minute items and I told Charlie that we weren't callling anyone-for fear of this not being "the real thing." This time we did decide to take around suitcase with us-"but we are going to leave it in the car," I insisted. By the time we were loading up the car, I was pretty sure that this was the real thing. Yet, no pain! Thank goodness. Upon arriving at Labor and Delivery, the nurses didn't seem to believe that I was in labor. We waited for an open room and within 15 minutes discovered that I was definately in labor. Getting out the cell phone, we quickly called my mom and Mike and within 10 minutes they happily greeted us in our birth room.

Sweet Major Maddox quietly entered the world on Friday, March 20th at 1:20am. All was peaceful and surreal. He was such a tiny bundle at 5lbs and 14 oz and 18 inches long. We cuddled and held him until he was taken to the nursery. I didn't sleep a wink, longing to hold my sweet little one again.

He is a dream baby. A perfect baby. Sweet. Calm. Quiet. Undemanding. Enjoys talking and cooing-sometimes more than eating. Berkley loves little Major and is quite the "mother" to him. Retrieving his pacifier and once even some tylenol because she decided his "tummy hurt."

I enjoy every moment with my little baby boy. The second time around I know that they do grow so quickly and I want to cherish each moment with my little precious Sweet Pea.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, he's a dream baby. And he loves his Mommy. It is truly a blessing that you can enjoy him so much.
