Wow!! Major is really beginning to take off with his words. I think he is beginning to feel more confident and just today said many new words!! How fun this time is! When I began compiling my list and thought, "I have a perfect title for my new post- 18 words at 18 months," he added another word and then I remembered one I had forgotten. So, my catchy title wasn't quite so catchy!! At his 18 month check up, just a few weeks ago I told our pediatrician that he knew about ten!! He's really learned a lot and is becoming such a curious little boy these past few weeks.
So, in random order here is his 20 word vocabulary! Drum roll, please!!!
Bob (his Veggie Tales tomato)
thank you
all done!
bless you
Along with his vocabulary he has really been learning his animal sounds. His favorite sound to make is a tiger. Just this afternoon, I caught him reading books in the playroom. I just watched, and let him enjoy his playtime alone. He likes to point out trucks, and make a truck sound to go along with it! Pointing to airplanes in the sky, has also become a favorite. Just today he figured out how to climb up on chairs with any things could get even more interesting, as he's always curious as to what's inside cabinets, doors and drawers.
Major LOVES being outside!! He is always wanting to escape out the door....any outside door when opened. Brushing his teeth is another favorite....getting the toothbrush out of his hands can be interesting! He LOVES when Daddy comes home from work!! They go on walks together and go to the park. Often times he comes back with a few treasures....acorns, leaves etc. He enjoys, "airplane rides" and if I'm laying on the floor, sometimes he'll come and prop my feet up, so that he can go up into the clouds. For nearly a year now, he has enjoyed throwing balls, and sometimes unfortunately this leads to throwing anything and everything. I must say, for such a little guy...he's got quite the arm!
Somethings that Major LOVES eating are tomatoes, corn on the cob, grapes and watermelon. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he likes treats just as well.....but we try to get him to enjoy the healthy things and as of right now, at age 1 1/2 there are some of his favorites!
Just yesterday in the grocery store, he waved to everybody he saw. Most of them waved back, or stopped and talked. It made my heart sad when someone didn't notice my sweet little boy, with his sweet, shy grin waving at them. Then, sometimes when they notice him he turns and becomes shy. He melts my heart, my sweet litle Major!! It's hard to tell just quite yet, what his personality will be far as outgoing, shy etc. but one thing is for sure, he is ALL boy!!
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