Friday, November 13, 2009

Toddlers- they say the FUNNIESTS things

Well, having two little ones keeps me hopping each and every minute of the day....but little Berkley Ella is turning out to be quite the little creative conversationalists. I haven't spent as much time blogging our fun moments-just enjoying them and then scratching them down occassionally on a piece of notebook paper.

I thought I'd catch you up and give you a little glimps into our daily lives

After coming in from the car, with a ball in hand Berkley went straight inside through the kitchen to the doggie door, lifted it up and yelled, "Hydee Ella Scott?!!" She had happily found Hydee a tennis ball to play with and was anxious for her to come in and play.....quickly the flap came flying open, Hydee bounded through the kitchen chasing her prized tennis ball all over the house.

"Mommy, Hydee needs to go potty?" "How do you know, " I asked. " Did she tell you?" "No, Mommy doggies don't talk!" (duh?!)

One evening while in the tub, Berkley decided that we should have a tea party. No, I wasn't in the tub too-just Berkley and Major.....she concluded that Major was just to have a "little bit because he is a baby." So, she just poured a small teaspoon and let him have his own "tea cup."

While getting out of the tub we were singing the ABC's in a low voice, Berkley said, "it sounds like thunder Mama!" Soon, she decided to open and close my mouth slowly. "You look like a hippo Mama!" Thankfully, I am pretty sure she was just referring to the opening and closing of my mouth!

While eating her waffles, "this looks like a mermaid."

The same day Major was wearing a navy shirt with a small red firetruck on the front. "It is night time on Major's shirt Mama."

While I was feeding Major his bottle, I covered him up with his little blanket while we were rocking in the chair. My little helper Berkley came over and decided that "Major wants the blanket on the right side." Referring to fluffy side up!!

One day at lunch, we were quietly eating, both deep in thought. "Jesus loves me.....and he likes rocks too."

Then there are the questions......."Mama, does the moon like vitamins?"

After being tucked into bed, music, on, lights off. I quietly closed the door and I hear, "Mommy, it's messy." What could possibly be messy? Hmmm..I open the door, gaze around the room-everything appeared perfectly in place. "Mommy, those books, their messy." They there were two tiny little books laying half way on the bookshelf and half way on the floor.....AHH!! I put them "back in their place" A perfectly neat room. Now we can all sleep peacefully!!

After going through our nightly routine-read one book together on her pink bean bag chair, sing two songs, pray and then tuck in to bed (that of course has it's order too:) I was just about to do the final step-press PLAY on the CD player before slipping out of the room and enjoying some quiet. Less than five seconds after I was rounding the corner down the hall I hear, "Mommy I have to go poppy?" "WHAT!!" I was SOOO tired and just wanted a little breather!! So, I tell myself to have a good attitude, ask her if she is absolutely sure-with a HUGE nod she declared, "YES!" So, off we went across the hall to her bathroom. After leaving the room for again less than five seconds she calls me back in there, "My poppy is sleeping in my tummy Mommy. It doesn't want to come out!!" How hard was it not to smile on the outside. VERY CREATIVE I time I'll make sure and ask if she is SURE that her poppy isn't already asleep like she should have been!

Before lunch today when decided to take advantage of the nice fall weather and take a stroll around the block. Berkley wanted to take her "HEB" basket along with her baby Abby in the front seat. After a few minutes of walking she asked, "Please stop Mommy. I need to ask you something. Can I have a boat someday? I'll drive and you can sit in the back and wear your seatbelt. We'll go REAL fast."

After finishing our boat discussion, we rounded the corner and she began to notice little ants in their homes on the sidewalk. I asked her what she thought they were doing-"eating lunch," she replied. "What do you think they are eating," I asked. No answer. "Grass?" "No." "Leaves?" "No." "Rocks?" "No, Mama AVOCADOS!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goodness Amy! This is absolutely priceless!!
