Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sweetest little boy you've ever seen

MAJOR MADDOX in my opinion (and or course his Daddy's and many Grandparents) is the SWEETEST little boy that God has ever made. He is just a bundle of sweetness. He turned nine months today and I can't believe how time how flown. Major's latest thing is to scrunch up his nose and make the cutest little noise. It's one of those things, that I wish would last forever. I know that it will in my memory and Berkley and I will remind him of his cute little habit when he's older.

Crawling? Hmmm....It doesn't seem that either Berkley or Major are too much into it. However, Major has made a few minor attempts-such a twirling around on his tummy to reach a toy. Both he and Berkley don't seem to prefer looking down at the world. They look up! I see this in their personalities too!

One of his new favorites is to stand, have Mommy hold his hands and walk around the house. He'd walk for a block if we tried. So, crawling he may.....but I won't be surprised if the crawling and walking occur at the same time. It does make life easier when having two little ones, that I can sit him in one place and know that I can count on him to be there when I leave the room for a minute. It's when they start walking, running, skipping, hopping, riding their bike around the never know where they could be.

He's still small in stature, but big in heart. He seems to LOVE people and enjoys watching faces and expressions. I have no doubt that with that he'll be a tall boy someday, but we are in no rush. Although, I look forward to seeing him grow and develop, I'd keep him as a baby if I could (and even secretly have whispered, I'd take him as a twin). He's my bundle of sweetness. And having two that are sweet? Along having a sweet, sweet husband-now, that's LIVING THE SWEET LIFE with THREE cherries on top!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Have you ever seen a two year old with braces?

While quietly eating lunch the other day, Berkley said "Mommy I think I have something stuck in my braces!" She often asks me to open my mouth "like a Hippo-Mommy" and take a look at my braces. We talk about how much longer I will have them on (one more year, for a total of THREE years!) and how they are making my teeth nice and straight.

Today, we flossed for the first time. I realized it was something that I hadn't done. So we pretended like I was the dentist and she lay down on the floor and did great!! She let me gently floss between her little teeth. She even giggled a few times, because it tickled-making the first experience a good one. Her Daddy is a very good and consisitent flosser, unlike her Mommy. So, Daddy will be happy to know that Berkley's seems to have taken to flossing like a duck to water.

After her nap this afternoon, I found her in the bathroom with about 3 yards of floss. "I have something stuck in my braces, Mommy!"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Toddlers- they say the FUNNIESTS things

Well, having two little ones keeps me hopping each and every minute of the day....but little Berkley Ella is turning out to be quite the little creative conversationalists. I haven't spent as much time blogging our fun moments-just enjoying them and then scratching them down occassionally on a piece of notebook paper.

I thought I'd catch you up and give you a little glimps into our daily lives

After coming in from the car, with a ball in hand Berkley went straight inside through the kitchen to the doggie door, lifted it up and yelled, "Hydee Ella Scott?!!" She had happily found Hydee a tennis ball to play with and was anxious for her to come in and play.....quickly the flap came flying open, Hydee bounded through the kitchen chasing her prized tennis ball all over the house.

"Mommy, Hydee needs to go potty?" "How do you know, " I asked. " Did she tell you?" "No, Mommy doggies don't talk!" (duh?!)

One evening while in the tub, Berkley decided that we should have a tea party. No, I wasn't in the tub too-just Berkley and Major.....she concluded that Major was just to have a "little bit because he is a baby." So, she just poured a small teaspoon and let him have his own "tea cup."

While getting out of the tub we were singing the ABC's in a low voice, Berkley said, "it sounds like thunder Mama!" Soon, she decided to open and close my mouth slowly. "You look like a hippo Mama!" Thankfully, I am pretty sure she was just referring to the opening and closing of my mouth!

While eating her waffles, "this looks like a mermaid."

The same day Major was wearing a navy shirt with a small red firetruck on the front. "It is night time on Major's shirt Mama."

While I was feeding Major his bottle, I covered him up with his little blanket while we were rocking in the chair. My little helper Berkley came over and decided that "Major wants the blanket on the right side." Referring to fluffy side up!!

One day at lunch, we were quietly eating, both deep in thought. "Jesus loves me.....and he likes rocks too."

Then there are the questions......."Mama, does the moon like vitamins?"

After being tucked into bed, music, on, lights off. I quietly closed the door and I hear, "Mommy, it's messy." What could possibly be messy? Hmmm..I open the door, gaze around the room-everything appeared perfectly in place. "Mommy, those books, their messy." They there were two tiny little books laying half way on the bookshelf and half way on the floor.....AHH!! I put them "back in their place" A perfectly neat room. Now we can all sleep peacefully!!

After going through our nightly routine-read one book together on her pink bean bag chair, sing two songs, pray and then tuck in to bed (that of course has it's order too:) I was just about to do the final step-press PLAY on the CD player before slipping out of the room and enjoying some quiet. Less than five seconds after I was rounding the corner down the hall I hear, "Mommy I have to go poppy?" "WHAT!!" I was SOOO tired and just wanted a little breather!! So, I tell myself to have a good attitude, ask her if she is absolutely sure-with a HUGE nod she declared, "YES!" So, off we went across the hall to her bathroom. After leaving the room for again less than five seconds she calls me back in there, "My poppy is sleeping in my tummy Mommy. It doesn't want to come out!!" How hard was it not to smile on the outside. VERY CREATIVE I time I'll make sure and ask if she is SURE that her poppy isn't already asleep like she should have been!

Before lunch today when decided to take advantage of the nice fall weather and take a stroll around the block. Berkley wanted to take her "HEB" basket along with her baby Abby in the front seat. After a few minutes of walking she asked, "Please stop Mommy. I need to ask you something. Can I have a boat someday? I'll drive and you can sit in the back and wear your seatbelt. We'll go REAL fast."

After finishing our boat discussion, we rounded the corner and she began to notice little ants in their homes on the sidewalk. I asked her what she thought they were doing-"eating lunch," she replied. "What do you think they are eating," I asked. No answer. "Grass?" "No." "Leaves?" "No." "Rocks?" "No, Mama AVOCADOS!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Teachable 2s on 2s DAY

"It's 2s DAY!" exclaimed little Berkley Ella while on the phone to Grandma. Yeah, I thought to myself she is beginning to read. My mother/teacher experiment is catching on! Just a little combination of symbols, phonetic spelling and connecting to real life experiences that happen on particular days! Ok, so I can't say that I am the creator of this "inventive" spelling, but it does seem to be working for my SWEET 2 year old.

Two's, two's.....the "teachable two's," as her Sunday School teacher likes to call this age. Catchy, I thought when first hearing her positive approach to the usual negative "terrible two's." It's true....never underestimate the sponge-like mind of a two year old. They are capable of SO much and WANT 2 learn 2. We are seizing this opportunity and have been learning the days of the week.

Being a logical thinker, Berkley quickly picked up "shapes" on her own around 1 and a half. We then started finding colors in the world around us and this morning she explained to me that there was an airplane flying up in the blue sky.

The teacher in me has many ideas...but I am letting her guide her own learning. ABC's are coming along, as I hear her own version of the little song improving with each passing day. But, for this little learner the days of the week are more her slice of pie (for now at least). So, each night before bed we review the present day, talk about the next, and write the next day down in our own 2 year old way.

Since turning two I have been pondering some adjectives to describe my SWEET little Berkley and here they are in random order:

Attentive (to details)

I haven't "retired" from my job as a teacher, I just have my own students now living under our own roof. What a blessing 2 spend each moment of each day enjoying life and learning together! We can create our own curriculm, take our own field trips, learn on our own time schedule, and let my 2 SWEET students guide their own learning.

As for today, it's 2s DAY and we've counted Protein Bars in the grocery basket, been to the library to return and borrowed books, touched a "real" many opportunities for my 2 SWEETS, especially my little SWEET born on 2sDAY, June 19th 2007-Berkley Ella who recently turned 2 and would be happy to tell you that today is "2s DAY!"

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cherries on Top of my Sunday

Ok, so I really don't like those "fake," red, rubby cherries Texans "claim" as Cherries....but, it sounded like a catchy little title-so here is a short list of my cherries on top:

Berkley asking her teacher if she could go potty (twice)at Sunday School this morning-her first day in Sunday School not wearing diapers! YEAH!!

Major cooing, giggling and talking.

Berkley saying her name- "Beekley Ewwa"

Major cuddling in church this morning.

Berkley and Major taking an afternoon nap at the sametime each day for four days in a row! YEAH!

Now, those are some great cherries to add to any Sunday!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sweet Pea #2

Ok, so one would think that being a second time mommy-to-be, I would have been a little more aware of any "pre-labor" happenings. Charlie, Berkley and I all went in on March 19th for my 11am, 37 weeks OB visit. To our great surprise, I was dialated nearly 5cm and about 80% efaced-in laymans terms-many people would have already been admitted into the hospital waiting to give birth. But oh no-not me! I had not had any symptoms. Due to our "great surprise" with little Berkley Ella, our Doctor advised us to go in if I had contractions five minutes apart for an hour straight. No need to start to keeping track now, I thought. I could still have three weeks to go. I decided to not try and think about the fact that many people were suggesting that I could be driving to the hospital at any time. Later that afternoon, painless contractions started in-much like our experience nearly 21 months ago with little Berkley Ella. No need to rush to the hospital and lay there any longer than necessary. So, we decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Walking increased the frequency of the contractions-which is common whether you are in "true labor" or not. So, I did as the Dr. ordered-drank plenty of water, laid down for 45 minutes and then decided that this could be it.

Finding my pre-packed suitcase in the bottom of our closet, I added some last minute items and I told Charlie that we weren't callling anyone-for fear of this not being "the real thing." This time we did decide to take around suitcase with us-"but we are going to leave it in the car," I insisted. By the time we were loading up the car, I was pretty sure that this was the real thing. Yet, no pain! Thank goodness. Upon arriving at Labor and Delivery, the nurses didn't seem to believe that I was in labor. We waited for an open room and within 15 minutes discovered that I was definately in labor. Getting out the cell phone, we quickly called my mom and Mike and within 10 minutes they happily greeted us in our birth room.

Sweet Major Maddox quietly entered the world on Friday, March 20th at 1:20am. All was peaceful and surreal. He was such a tiny bundle at 5lbs and 14 oz and 18 inches long. We cuddled and held him until he was taken to the nursery. I didn't sleep a wink, longing to hold my sweet little one again.

He is a dream baby. A perfect baby. Sweet. Calm. Quiet. Undemanding. Enjoys talking and cooing-sometimes more than eating. Berkley loves little Major and is quite the "mother" to him. Retrieving his pacifier and once even some tylenol because she decided his "tummy hurt."

I enjoy every moment with my little baby boy. The second time around I know that they do grow so quickly and I want to cherish each moment with my little precious Sweet Pea.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Contractions?! HUH?!

One year and 364 days ago, unbeknownest to myself I was in labor with our first little sweet pea. I must admit that prior to motherhood I was a "by-the book" type of girl. The "book" had an extensive list helping one to know when to rush to the hospital. No, my water hadn't, I wasn't having pain....hmm...what was going on I thought. Deciding to call the hospital late that Monday evening was when things started to zoom into perpetual motion. "Dehydration" was the likely cause according to the Labor and Delivery nurse on the other line. After drinking "plenty" of water, resting on my side for over an hour-my stomach was still tightening for and loosening. "Weird," I thought as Charlie and I sat up in bed. He was determined that things were fine-but how could I just fall asleep? After another twenty minute debate on what to do....we zoomed off around 11 :30pm. Besides wondering why Charlie was driving so wrecklessly at this hour, I thought that we definately should have left earlier because now we probably wouldn't be home until 1am.

After arriving at the Birthplace, we were greeted by the friendly voice on the other line-Sherry. After a few little tests, she announced, "girl, you are in labor! We have one room left!" Good thing I was laying down, I seriously felt a rush of adrenaline flowing from head to toe. What?!! I still have 16 days to go! I didn't even bring my purse! The prepacked suitcase was lying untouched in our master closet! Our first little sweet pea-Berkley Ella Scott made her grand entrance into the world on June 19th, 2007-a moment I will NEVER forget. She has filled our house with laughter and our hearts with joy! Tomorrow we will celebrate the day of her birth-two short years ago! I can't wait to share more about our sweet experiences with our first little sweet pea. Everyday I could write a novel about our little one! Happy Birthday Eve sweet Berkley Ella!