There's isn't a job that is more rewarding than being a Mother. Not until I was 30 and became a Mother did I begin to understand my mom's love and devotion to me.
Today was perfect. Our little family of four was able to get ready for church and arrive just a few minutes early. It takes a little pre-planning, to get us all to church around 8:20. That gave us just enough time for me to take Berkley to her Sunday School class, drop off our supplies for our three year old class, and for Charlie to drop of Major. Then, Charlie and I strolled hand and hand down the hall just around 8:30. We made it just as one of our preacher's was welcoming everyone! It was a wonderful service, followed by a special time with our sweet class of 9, three and four year olds. We made special candles for their mother's. Charlie was SO helpful, as we had lots of extra things to do this morning. He read the story, talked to the children about what special things their mother's do for them...while I cleaned up our art project and got things set up for our next activity. He took them down to music time, and I set up for a little birthday party for one of our little boys. We had mini-b-day celebration and then, put their little candles in special bags to give to their Mommy's.
We decided to come home and have a quite lunch together. One of the very best parts of the day, was knowing that Charlie didn't have to go to work the whole entire day. That doesn't happen very often on Sunday's. And that is the hardest day for him to be gone. After lunch, I was VERY surprised with a seperate card from everyone. A sweet, "girly" card from Berkley (which included her signature :), a Cookie Monster card from Major, and a very loving card from Charlie. Then, after that appeared two small dark purple boxes, with matching sheer bows.
I had been (secretly-until the last month) wanting a necklace, since Berkley was born with her name and now Major's engraved on two pendants. Well, Charlie had asked me to find a website and I did, but the night before he told me that it was too late and he wasn't able to get it in time. I must admit, I was disappointed. I am NOT materialistic and have WAY more than I need!! I opened the first box from the children, the outside of the box said, "Occassions" (the same place that my wedding ring came from) and Charlie said, "oh, that will probably give it away." I really didn't think so, but I was really excited that there was something very nice tucked away in the tiny box. After opening the box, I slowly pulled out a long silver chain, and since there was another box-I thought the charm/pendant must be in the other box. But, NO! At the end of the long silver chain, was two circle pendants....just as I had been dreaming about for nearly four years. One with "Berkley" and the other with "Major."
Then, there was another little purple box. I really had been given too much already! This one was a little lighter in weight than the other. I had a hard time, getting out the contents. I tipped the velvety bag over and out fell two sparkly (hooped) diamond earrings! Just like the ones that Charlie had given to me on our 1st or 2nd anniversary. I wore them nearly everyday, and then about 2 years ago.....they dissappeared!! Now, as I write I am sitting here with my new diamond earring from my sweet husband, and my necklace that hangs near my heart.
Followed by my AMAZING gifts, Charlie decided to take the kids for a walk, and since I hadn't slept well the night before...I asked him if it would be okay, if I just laid down. I did and slept for one and a half hours. I heard them come in, then Charlie went and fell asleep on the couch. Something he REALLY get to do! Nap, AND stay home all day on Sunday!!
After waking from our naps, Charlie really wanted to go work out and Major was still sleeping. Charlie left to go work out and Major soon woke up. I REALLY wanted to go to the pool, since we hadn't been there this year since it's opening on teh 1st. So, Berkley, Major and I packed up and went to our clubhouse! They LOVED it!! They both have NO fear!! They jumped and kicked and splashed!! What fun we had!! I feel so blessed to be able to have a pool in our neighborhood that we will continue to enjoy all summer and for many years to come! We all can't wait to go back!!
Then, we all got dressed for evening church. We dropped Berkley and Major off in the respective classes and then walked again, hand in hand down the hall to the sanctuary. We spotted my family right away. We were able to sit right next to my G-ma, Mom, Dad and Adrian. What a blessing that was!! We had another wonderful message and a VERY special time of prayer. After a busy, active day....we all headed to Rosa's for dinner. Major ate and ate and ate.....Being only 25lbs, you wouldn't think he could eat SO much...but when it comes to Mexican and Italian, that little boy can put it away!! He wanted to say "hi" to everyone in the restraunt. We all enjoyed our time together!
After coming home, Charlie read the kids a book and put them in bed. Berkley was in her room, talking to her flower. So, Charlie went in there and she asked, "Daddy, how is my flower going to get sunlight at night? Charlie said, "well, tomorrow we can put it in the backyard." Berkley, then replied, "but Daddy sometimes the sun disappears during the day. I think we should put it on my window ledge where the sun shines all the time." My little thinker....Hopefully, she'll be in dreamland pretty soon!
BLESSED!! I am TRULY, WONDERFULLY blessed to be their Mother, to have my sweet husband, and my Mother and Grandmother just minutes away!! I love them all so DEARLY! More than words could say!! THANK YOU for such a special day! I soaked up every minute with you-Charlie, Berkley, Major, Mom, Grams, Mike and Adrian!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
My Blossoming Little Sweet Peas
WOW! Lots has been happening at our house and I've been wanting to create a new post. So, here we go.
Major, our little bundle of energy is officially two and POTTY TRAINED!! YEAH!! He did WONDERFULLY!! Thank you for our peditrician's advice it was painless and he basically got it within a few times of going!! He is talking up a storm, even creating his own four-five word sentences. Today, while on a walk he said, "I see that truck Daddy!" He LOVES all things boy!! Trucks, tractors, "choo-choo's," garbage trucks, name it...if it's big, loud and moves! Major gets VERY excited!! We've been learning the differences between these and he's quickly catching on.
I am SUPER excited about his Potty Training, but even more importantly the sweetest words came out of his mouth-(all by himself). At night he has begun to enjoy reading books. He usually chooses The Little Train Engine that Could, and then he puts it up, we pray, he turns his music on and we sway to the music. After that, sometimes eye to eye, he likes to point to my eyes, then he points to his own, saying "my eyes." Then, "Mommy's ears." A few weeks ago, after doing our nightly routine, I covered him up with his truck blanket and I said, "I love you sweet Major." He said, "I love you Mommy." It brought tears to my eyes. Never had he said it so clearly and on his own, without prompting. It was a moment I'll never forget. Now, he enjoys hugging everyone at night and telling them how much he loves them.
Here are some things to describe little Major: bundle of energy (he can run/walk for miles), loves to be with his sister, loves to play with his friends at church, loves riding in Daddy's truck, playing with his trucks and legos, and any kind of ball and wrestling/tickling with Mommy.
There is nothing in life that is more of a blessing then your own children. Sure, at times....things are crazy, and chaotic and I'm not one who handles that the best at times, I know. It's something I'm working on.
The same week that Major starting Potty Training, Berkley came out of her room with her sparkley tennis shoes on and said, "look, Mommy I tied my shoes all by myself!" I looked down and, whoa....SHE DID!! She's not even four!! I couldn't believe it! We called Daddy and shared the big news right away. She had practiced the first part a few times, but I had just quickly shown her the "hard part" maybe twice.
She is one GIRLY, GIRL!! I mean, I know I've written about her wedding plans-invitation created and all! That's just the tip of the girly iceberg! Last week at Grandma's she polished her own fingernails and then this morning, before church I quickly painted her nails to match her bright pink sandals.
I wish I had taken the time to write down some of the funniest, expressive things she has said lately. She loves using large words in her vocabulary-"well, no not exactly." She has these beautiful, big blue eyes that dance when she talks. Speaking of dancing, she is BEYOND THRILLED about her first on stage ballet performance. She is getting dance at the "Sound of Music Theater." (the Cole Theater, where she told me that they built the hill near the theater for the play!) I am having a hard time writing in words her girly, sweet personality-here are some words to describe her: caring, bubbley, friendly, energetic, adventurous, and tenderhearted.
They are both excited about our swimming pool opening soon and Berkley has her birthday planned to a "t." Well, she has about three different we have about six weeks, before we need to decide. So, I'm leaning towards a super girly Fancy Nancy, dressup party. Berkley said, "I don't think that boys will want to be invited to this girly party." Daddy said, "no, I think Major and I will have to go someplace so you all can do your thing! It will definately be PINK and girly!!
We have definately been blessed with two litte sweet peas. They are the joys of our lives! We love them dearly and want God's best for their lives.
Major, our little bundle of energy is officially two and POTTY TRAINED!! YEAH!! He did WONDERFULLY!! Thank you for our peditrician's advice it was painless and he basically got it within a few times of going!! He is talking up a storm, even creating his own four-five word sentences. Today, while on a walk he said, "I see that truck Daddy!" He LOVES all things boy!! Trucks, tractors, "choo-choo's," garbage trucks, name it...if it's big, loud and moves! Major gets VERY excited!! We've been learning the differences between these and he's quickly catching on.
I am SUPER excited about his Potty Training, but even more importantly the sweetest words came out of his mouth-(all by himself). At night he has begun to enjoy reading books. He usually chooses The Little Train Engine that Could, and then he puts it up, we pray, he turns his music on and we sway to the music. After that, sometimes eye to eye, he likes to point to my eyes, then he points to his own, saying "my eyes." Then, "Mommy's ears." A few weeks ago, after doing our nightly routine, I covered him up with his truck blanket and I said, "I love you sweet Major." He said, "I love you Mommy." It brought tears to my eyes. Never had he said it so clearly and on his own, without prompting. It was a moment I'll never forget. Now, he enjoys hugging everyone at night and telling them how much he loves them.
Here are some things to describe little Major: bundle of energy (he can run/walk for miles), loves to be with his sister, loves to play with his friends at church, loves riding in Daddy's truck, playing with his trucks and legos, and any kind of ball and wrestling/tickling with Mommy.
There is nothing in life that is more of a blessing then your own children. Sure, at times....things are crazy, and chaotic and I'm not one who handles that the best at times, I know. It's something I'm working on.
The same week that Major starting Potty Training, Berkley came out of her room with her sparkley tennis shoes on and said, "look, Mommy I tied my shoes all by myself!" I looked down and, whoa....SHE DID!! She's not even four!! I couldn't believe it! We called Daddy and shared the big news right away. She had practiced the first part a few times, but I had just quickly shown her the "hard part" maybe twice.
She is one GIRLY, GIRL!! I mean, I know I've written about her wedding plans-invitation created and all! That's just the tip of the girly iceberg! Last week at Grandma's she polished her own fingernails and then this morning, before church I quickly painted her nails to match her bright pink sandals.
I wish I had taken the time to write down some of the funniest, expressive things she has said lately. She loves using large words in her vocabulary-"well, no not exactly." She has these beautiful, big blue eyes that dance when she talks. Speaking of dancing, she is BEYOND THRILLED about her first on stage ballet performance. She is getting dance at the "Sound of Music Theater." (the Cole Theater, where she told me that they built the hill near the theater for the play!) I am having a hard time writing in words her girly, sweet personality-here are some words to describe her: caring, bubbley, friendly, energetic, adventurous, and tenderhearted.
They are both excited about our swimming pool opening soon and Berkley has her birthday planned to a "t." Well, she has about three different we have about six weeks, before we need to decide. So, I'm leaning towards a super girly Fancy Nancy, dressup party. Berkley said, "I don't think that boys will want to be invited to this girly party." Daddy said, "no, I think Major and I will have to go someplace so you all can do your thing! It will definately be PINK and girly!!
We have definately been blessed with two litte sweet peas. They are the joys of our lives! We love them dearly and want God's best for their lives.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Little Sweet Peas love of crackers

While in Sprouts, health food store this morning enjoying a little protein brownie Major's bright blue eyes were scanning the store shelves. "I see crackers," he said as plain as day! He has just begun creating his own sentences!! What an exciting time!! For so long he has been able to understand, our side of the conversation but now he is entering into a new phase....offering his own side of the story!
For a few months now, he had two word sentences in his vocabulary. His favorite being, "Daddy's truck." "TRUCK" is definately one of his VERY favorite words and things to see with his eyes. Like his Daddy, one food that he couldn't live without is his crackers. He has even gone so far as to bring me the entire box of Ritz crackers and jar of peanut butter into my bathroom while I was putting my makeup on one morning. I guess that was a hint, and someone needed a snack. That's definately his snack of choice!
What a little man he is turning into! He has developed this funny little giggle that he enjoys inserting any chance that he can get! He scrunches up his little button nose, squints his eyes and does his sweet little giggle.
Right up there with crackers, is his LOVE of Elmo!! One of his favorite sleeping buddies is Elmo, he loves watching Elmo on TV and on the computer. He enjoys finding him in books and even on his diapers. We play this little game while I am changing his diaper. We point to the different character and I aske him, "is this Elmo?" When I point to someone else, he does this cute, dramatic "noo---oooooo." Okay, so maybe there was a little coaching involved, but word enthusiasm is fun brings words to life!!
It's hard to believe that Major Maddox will turn two in just three months. Where has the time gone? He just gets sweeter and more personality with every passing month! I love you, my little sweet pea!
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